Featured Maine Maker - Ceramica Co.

Happy New Year to you, our amazing candle tribe!  Thank you for a record breaking 4th quarter for Sea Love Candles & Company.  We hustled so hard and survived on lots of coffee to get caught up on wholesale and all of your orders!  To say the least, the past several months have been stressful with backorder of supplies and shipping delays, if it wasn't one thing it was another - but we so appreciate your patience sticking with us!   Thank you for supporting small businesses like mine this year.  We can't thank you enough! 

To continue celebrating small business and our valued creatives, this month we had the pleasure of interviewing Hannah from Ceramica Co. located in our beautiful coastal state of Maine.  We currently sell her wax warmers which she exclusively designed and handcrafted just for Sea Love.  I love checking out Hannah's posts on social media to get design inspo and her newest items are giving me all the vibes to offer more of her beautiful pottery in our NEW Candle Bar and Boutique opening in March.  Read our Q & A to learn a little more about Hannah! 

  • Tell us about your business and what you do (name, location, type of business). 

My business name is Ceramica Co. I am a ceramic artist and I make functional small batch pottery with a minimalist aesthetic.

  • When did you open your business and how did you get started?

I started getting serious about pottery in 2018, and would sell my work at art walks and farmers markets. From there I started selling at larger scale shows and pop ups. This year my main focus has been online sales and pushing my website and instagram due to the pandemic. I was nervous and hesitant at first, but I am so grateful for the traction and growth this year has brought despite all the craziness. 

  • What is your favorite part of being a store owner? Least favorite?

I don’t have a physical store (yet!), but being my own boss and running my own business is something I have always dreamt of doing. I love the flexibility, creating my own work schedule, and being a part of an incredible makers community here in Maine. I work from home, so that brings about its own challenges. It’s hard for me to “clock out” and take a break from the endless to do list. 

  • From where do you draw your inspiration and decide on the products you want to offer?

I draw inspiration from spending time in nature- being surrounded by textures, shapes, and colors. Also from the desire to make a sustainable product that will last and be utilized during everyday life. 

  • What values does your business embody?

My number one priority as a creator is to be as environmentally conscious as possible. From the materials I source, to recycling and reusing clay, to packaging and shipping, I try to make the whole process as low waste and environmentally friendly as possible. 

  • Is your business a full time or part time venture? Do you have plans to grow/expand?

My business is a full-time venture. I am hoping to expand into a larger studio space / retail space within the next year or two! 

  • There are many challenges that come along with running a small business. What is your biggest challenge and what is your biggest reward or success?

I think my biggest challenge would be knowing my own limits when it comes to how many orders to accept at once! I often take on a bit more than I can chew being a one-woman-show, and it can leave me feeling exhausted, and questioning my love for the job.

On the flip side of that, I am deeply grateful for the outpouring of orders and appreciation I’ve received over the past few years. So in the end, it’s 100% worth the blood, sweat, and tears, and I wouldn’t change what I do for the world. 

  • How do you spend your time when you aren’t in your store or creating your product? 

I love getting outside and exploring our beautiful state, collaborating / networking with other creatives, and adding new ideas to my long list of products I want to make! 

  • How did you discover Sea Love Candles & Company?

I discovered Sea Love through connecting with the owner Stacy via Instagram! So thankful I’ve gotten to know her and her amazing candles!

  • Is there anything I didn’t ask that you would like readers to know? 

It has understandably been one of the most difficult years for many small business owners, and I just want to encourage everyone to keep supporting and shopping local every time you can. It is so important now more than ever to do so. You’re not only supporting the local economy, you’re helping people make their dreams a reality, and that’s the coolest thing ever. I appreciate everyone who has shown their support despite these crazy times, and bring on 2021!

If you love unique handcrafted pottery, be sure to check out her Instagram @ceramica_co and website: www.ceramicaco.com!  Thank you for taking the time to chat with us, Hannah.









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